Brand Illegible, 3rd Coast Sanctuary arrival 2010

Likely rounded up in the Nevada high desert when he was three or four and found in a kill pen, Samson came to us after spending some time in Hollywood as a trail horse.

He is an affectionate guy who loves people and food.


JGphoto 2021 4.jpg

BLAZE, 40 plus year old

BLM branded Mustang,

3rd Coast Sanctuary arrival 2010

A victim of terrible abuse from a human, labeled a ‘very dangerous horse’ and about to be put down, Blaze found us through Heart of a Horse by way of the Southern California ASPCA.

A soft landing at 3rd Coast and six weeks proved what was needed to break through; she is a sweetheart who LOVES children.



BRODIE, 16 year old

BLM branded Mustang

3rd Coast Sanctuary arrival 2010

Rounded up in Nevada, sent to the Prisoner Rehabilitation Program at Carson City Prison, he spent ninety days in training there before Sunset Ranch in Hollywood purchased him. Brodie was a trail horse at Sunset Ranch for a brief time before he came to us.

The herd leader, he has both a horse (Samson!) and a human best friend.


LEOUnbranded Mustang Born at The Wild Mustang Sanctuary in Northern California in2010, Leo was lost to congenital Kidney failure in January 2013.


Unbranded Mustang

Born at The Wild Mustang Sanctuary in Northern California in2010, Leo was lost to congenital Kidney failure in January 2013.

BB GEE, 10 years old

Unbranded Mustang

3rd Coast Sanctuary arrival 2014

Born at The Wild Horse Sanctuary in Northern California, half brother to Leo, Gee came to 3rd Coat as an eight month old baby.

Smart, sassy and ruler of the roost, BB Gee vies for herd leader position…until he sees a human and runs over for a treat.


INDY, 10 years old

BLM branded Mustang

3rd Coast Sanctuary arrival July, 2020

Rounded up in 2018 from the Triple B Complex in Nevada, and a rejected participant of the Mustang Makeover program, it is unclear why Indy was rejected or how she ended up in a kill pen 18 months later. 3rd Coast rescued her from that auction and brought her home, where it took more than ten months to be able to approach her.

Look at her now!


Frank - 23 year old (RIP)

BLM Branded Mustang. arrived 3rd Coast sanctuary Thanksgiving, 2020…Frank passed on September 20th, 2022 from complications of his diesease.

Ahhhh Frank. Frank the Tank, Frankie from the D. We took this new photo of Frank formerly a buggy horse, and came to learn that he has the “heaves” - horsey asthma that required daily medication to keep him comfortable and breathing. He did not look this amazing when he arrived. You can see Frank’s journey @3rdcoastsanctuary on our Instagram or at #letsgetfrank.

  • One horse...

    And then one day you see this face

  • And you find out it's connected to another face

    and you know you MUST help them escape slaughter

  • And then there are two more.

    It will never end unless we #passthesafeact

  • scroll down to see how easy it is to join the fight to oppose sending horses across our borders to be slaughtered

    Call, email, or post on social media to #passthesafeact

ROSEY, Belgian draft horseWe accidentally found her on craigslist…

ROSEY, Belgian draft horse (RIP)

20+ years old

We accidentally found her on craigslist…

And we couldn’t imagine who was going to buy an old Belgian work horse with arthritis and had tuned out the world. 3rd Coast stepped up - our first non-Mustang rescue…and boy are we glad we did. Rosey has blossomed to now approx 20 years old and her big and curvy new self. she eats a ton, loves so much and is leaning in for pets, for carrots and treats and most of all, love. Rosey is prominently featured on our Instagram….she’s got a thing for kids.


Tribal Mustang, unbranded, age unknown

Arrived 3rd Coast Sanctuary June 24th, 2021 and died December 16th, 2021 (RIP)

Ginger and the #3rdcoasttexas5 were saved on May 21st, 2021 after 3rd Coast stepped up to save TWO Mommas (Ginger and Mattina) and TWO babies (Roman and Sonny) and a Mule (Jasper). Ginger was a tribal mustang, based on her branding, as well as being a rodeo horse and likely a brood mare. She came to us with a broken nose and had obviously lived a hard life. We did our best to keep her comfortable and she passed from natural causes, as she gently lay down in a pile of fresh shavings and said goodby to her baby Sonny Dec of 2021.



Tribal Mustang, unbranded, age unkown - maybe 5 YO

Arrived 3rd Coast Sanctuary June 24th, 2021

Mattina and the #3rdcoasttexas5 were saved on May 21st, 2021 after 3rd Coast stepped up to save her and HER Momma - who just happened to be Ginger, along with her own baby Roman, and Ginger’s baby, Sonny. Like Ginger, Mattina was a tribal mustang, based on her branding, as well as being a rodeo horse and likely a brood mare. She came to us unhandled and now can accept pets, love and a little grooming. We have placed rocks around the water troughs to help keep her feet semi-under control.

The boys.

Tribal Mustang babies...sent to a kill pen...were about to ship to slaughter...saved by 3rd Coast Sanctuary with the help of so many supporters who stepped up with donations to bail them out, vet them, quarantine them and hire a transporter to get them to us for safe refuge for life. 

Roman and Sonny

(mammas are Mattina and Ginger) …Born May 2021 - Arrived 3rd Coast June 2021

Roman (left) was literally born INSIDE the kill pen…and Sonny (right) was likely born just before he was sent there. As it turns out, they are related…as were their mommas, Ginger and Mattina. Ginger was the matriarche and we believe she did everything she could to keep her family safe from humans. Roman and Sonny came to us so unsure …Sonny would try to kick and bite. But over time with patience they have come around and are fabulous 3-year olds who prefer to be with humans…and have lovely spirits.


Standard Donkey

Thomas arrived in April 2021 and made it clear he had no use for humans. In the kill pen, he had slipper hooves and we have been working to correct them for almost 2 years. Thomas will allow pets and grooming from certain people…he will allow treats from ANYONE.

1st day in quarantine after kill pen

March 2021

Spring 2022

Arrival day @3rdcoast May 2021 - after 45 days of quarantine under excellent care

The Donkers…4 misfit donkeys rescued from an Oklahoma kill pen

We were looking for a friend for #3rdcoastTHOMAS…and here’s what came home to us late June of 2022…and we wouldn’t change a thing. A loving, sweet, soulfulfiful and funny group of donks…and ps. guess which one is preggers?

#3rdcoastTRIXEY #trixeythesingingdonkey

#3rdcoastAUTO. #3rdcoastGRTY


  • and introducing MDGY! This little baby donk was born here on the sanctuary June 2023…to Momma GRTY (see above)…and she is a bundle of joy, love and sassafrass! She will never know neglect or starvation and will be here for life….keeping us on our toes!

#Pass SAFE Act Now

Click here to find the list of Current sponsors of SAFE Act HR3355

In addition to contacting you local representatives, you can also contact President Joe Biden by following this link  and completing the “contact us” form and ask our President to please support HR 3355 and pass the SAFE Act. 

For International Supporters: 

Please Follow This Link to message President Biden.  

To Send Letters Via Mail: 

The White House
1600 Pennsylvania Ave NW
Washington, DC 20500

You can also join and show support by posting these squares on your social media and write about the SAFE Act to raise awareness.  We want to flood social media with this image and have people asking: What is this ? How can I help ? Let's educate and raise awareness and make more people aware of this terrible industry and shut it down once and for all.

pass the safe act image.png

Use this badge created by our friends @skydogsanctuary to upload to your social media and make our lawmakers take notice.

